Asperger Syndrome Partner Information Australia
A place for validation, information, and inspiration
Mutual acknowledgement and understanding of the Asperger marriage/life partnership experience for partners of adults with (or suspected of having) Asperger syndrome
ASPIA is a Sydney-based support group and information source for those who are involved in or interested in marriage and long-term relationships with adults with Asperger syndrome (or suspected of having Asperger Syndrome - ASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder).
ASPIA has been hosting a regular Partner Support Group Meeting in Sydney since 2003, but as of August 2023 our support services have changed.
For the time being we will continue to host a lunch get-together every three months somewhere in Sydney or surrounds. See "Latest News" below for dates.
ASPIA still recognises the vital need for personal support for partners, but this will now be offered privately by Carol Grigg in small online groups. These groups will be focused on specific topics, or stages of life, and will be announced below. Please email your interest to carol@carolgriggcounselling.com.au
Our "Resources" page provides a list of recommended books and also free articles and flyers to download, and our "Support Page" provides a list of recommended Professionals.
Please visit our home page regularly to check on future events and latest news.
If you would like to be included on an email mailing list, please contact us using the form provided.
Latest news
Our next ASPIA Partner get-together will be for lunch on Saturday 2 November 2024, 12noon at a venue in Sydney, still TBC.
If you are a partner of an adult on the Spectrum, and would like to attend, please email info@aspia.org.au to register your interest and obtain details.
In 2023 ASPIA celebrated 20 years of partner support in Sydney!
Our support work will be continuing in a different way from now on, with the incorporated association (ASPIA Inc) having been closed down, and a new entity ASPIA Partner Support created.
For the time being ASPIA will continue to meet for a lunch get-together every three months, typically in February, May, August & November, with some additional informal get-togethers in between.
If you'd like to be included on an email mailing list please use the contact form provided on the "contact" page.
For ongoing partner support, small private groups will be offered online by Carol Grigg. These will be focused on either a specific topic or life-stage. Please email carol@carolgriggcounselling.com.au if you would like to join in, or if you'd like to book a personal counselling session by phone or online.
ASPIA events and groups provide emotional and psycho-educational support for the experience and perspective of non-ASD partners and family members only.
These meetings are not open to ASD adults. We do not have the expertise to adequately support the emotional or educational needs of adults on the Spectrum. Please see ASPIA's "Support" tab for other support opportunities.
NEW BOOK FOR PARTNERS by Carol Grigg (ASPIA co-founder and co-ordinator)
Straight Talk for Partners: Is Common Ground Possible? Essential Guide for Partners of adults who seem set on their own track (or who could be on the Autism Spectrum)
Click here to view paperback or here to view eBook
Other General ASPIA news below ...
ASPIA planned meeting dates for 2024: 10th February; 11th May; 10th August; 9th November. RSVP essential - please use the contact form.