ASPIA Newsletters
Newsletter is in retirement. See articles/flyers below, or Carol's blog.
ASPIA's Handbook for Partner Support
By Carol Grigg
ASPIA’s Handbook for Partner Support is a collection of ASPIA’s best information for the support of partners of adults with Asperger’s Syndrome (published 2012). (See Homepage for new book by Carol "Straight Talk for Partners: Is Common Ground Possible?")
The Handbook listed here contains a decade worth of information and ideas gathered for use in ASPIA’s support group meetings. The contents reflect the reality of the private day-to-day experience of the non-Asperger partner or family member, and the desperate yearning to find solutions and clear pathways forward through the confusing complexities towards a more hopeful and peaceful relationship outcome.
Preview and purchase ASPIA's Handbook for Partner Support in paperback or PDF (ebook), or Amazon for Kindle format.
Insight for the Journey: Validating and Support Thoughts for Partners of Adults on the Spectrum (Asperger's Syndrome)
By Carol Grigg
This small volume contains a collection of Carol's "Newsletter Thoughts" which have become a tradition within ASPIA's support for partners of adults with Asperger’s Syndrome (Sydney).
These thoughts, as well as several new essays, have been written since the publication of ASPIA's Handbook for Partner Support (2012).
This book can be purchased as a paperback from
Asperger Awareness: A Key to Success for IT and Technical Managers
By Stephen Plowright
Published in 2011, this concise, insightful book is aimed at both managers and people employed in a technical roles, and has had an excellent reception by many people with Asperger syndrome (AS), particularly those working in the IT industry.
For more information and to order a copy, go to Available in paperback or as an ebook.
Book Suppliers
These days, most titles can be sourced by searching on Google. Sadly, our former supplier Footprint Books in Sydney ceased to operate in 2020. If you have difficulty finding any of the titles in our list, please contact ASPIA (see "contact us"), or Lorraine at Resources at Hand listed below.
More info:
Contact: (07) 3880 0862
Other recommended books
The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome by Tony Attwood
Asperger's Syndrome, a Guide for Parents & Professionals by Tony Attwood
Life with a Partner or Spouse with Asperger Syndrome: Going over the Edge? Practical steps to saving you and your relationship by Kathy J Marshack, Autism Asperger Publishing Company
Out of Mind - Out of Sight: Parenting with a Partner with Asperger Syndrome by Kathy Marshack, Autism Asperger Publishing Company
Straight Talk for Partners: Is Common Ground Possible? by Carol Grigg. Visit Carol's website
ASPIA's Handbook for Partner Support. Collected by Carol Grigg of ASPIA Inc. Available from or Amazon.
The Partner's Guide to Asperger Syndrome by Susan J. Moreno, Marci Wheeler and Kealah Parkinson. Foreword by Tony Attwood. Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Troubleshooting Relationships on the Autism Spectrum: A user's guide to resolving relationship problems by Ashley Stanford
Asperger Syndrome & Long-Term Relationships by Ashley Stanford, JKP
The Aardvark's Wife: An intimate view into the life and challenges of an Asperger Marriage, by Carolyn Woods, Woods Media
Aspergers in Love by Maxine Aston, Jessica Kingsley Publishers (JKP)
The Other Half of Asperger Syndrome by Maxine Aston
The Asperger Couple's Workbook: Practical Advice and Activities for Couples and Counsellors by Maxine Aston
Asperger's Syndrome and Adults ... Is Anyone Listening? Essays and Poems by Partners, Parents and Family Members of Adults with Asperger's Syndrome by Karen E Rodman, JKP
Counselling for Asperger Couples by Barrie Thompson
22 Things a Woman must know if she loves a man with Asperger's Syndrome by Rudy Simone
Asperger's Syndrome from the Inside Out: A supportive and practical guide for anyone with Asperger's Syndrome by Michael John Carley
An Asperger Marriage by Gisela & Christopher Slater-Walker, JKP
The Essential Difference by Simon Baron-Cohen, Penguin Books
Connecting with your Asperger partner: Negotiating the maze of intimacy by Louise Weston, JKP
What Men with Asperger Syndrome want to know about Women, Dating and Relationships by Maxine Aston
Something lighter: The Rosie Project and The Rosie Effect (two books) by Melbourne based writer Graeme Simsion. Available everywhere.
Solutions for Adults with Asperger's Syndrome: Maximizing the Benefits, Minimizing the Drawbacks to Achieve Success by Juanita Lovett
Making Sense of Sex: A Forthright Guide to puberty, sex and relationships for people with Asperger's Syndrome by Sarah Attwood
Asperger's Syndrome and Sexuality from Adolescence through Adulthood by Isabelle Henault
Asperger Employment Workbook by Roger N Meyer, JKP
Asperger Syndrome in the Family: Redefining Normal by Liane Holliday Willey, JKP
Living and Loving with Asperger Syndrome: Family Viewpoints by Patrick, Estelle & Jared McCabe
Build your own Life: A Self-Help Guide for Individuals with Asperger's Syndrome by Wendy Lawson, JKP
Beyond the Wall: Personal Experiences with Autism and Asperger Syndrome by Stephen Shore
Discovering my Autism by Edgar Schneider
Living the Good Life with Autism by Edgar Schneider
Through the Eyes of Aliens: A book about Autistic People by Jasmine Lee O'Neill
My Life with Aspergers by Australian author Megan Hammond, New Holland Publishers
Confessions of an Unashamed Asperger by Australian author Ron Hedgcock (currently available as an ebook)
Look me in the eye by John Elder Robison,
Be different: Adventures of a free-range Aspergian with practical advice for Aspergians, misfits, families & teachers by John Elder Robison,
ASPIA articles (free PDF downloads)
All men are like that by Carol Grigg
What to do if you suspect your partner has Asperger Syndrome by Carol Grigg
Asperger’s Syndrome in Relationships – Is there Hope? by Carol Grigg
Asperger’s Syndrome in Relationships – Change takes Time by Carol Grigg
Please visit Carol Grigg's website for information about her books or to read new blog pieces (formerly "Newsletter Thoughts".
Other recommended articles
Asperger Syndrome in the Counselling Room by Maxine Aston​
Asperger Syndrome Grows Up: Recognizing Adults in Today's Challenging World by Roger N. Meyer, Aleta Root, Linda Newland
Asperger's Syndrome in Marriage (PDF)
Improved awareness within care systems may help prevent family breakdown (PDF)
Improved awareness within care systems may help prevent family breakdown - extended version (PDF)
A New Perspective on Thinking, Memory and Learning in Gifted Adults with Asperger Syndrome: Five Phenomenological Case Studies
Motivated by her experiences at ASPIA meetings, ASPIA member Dr Nola Norris completed a PhD in 2014.
Nola is a regular presenter at ASPIA meetings, and a number of people have asked for the link to her PhD thesis. The diagrams in Appendix C of the thesis have been of particular interest to ASPIA members, providing insights into the uneven cognitive profile of people with AS and the unique features of thinking, memory and learning.
Nola's thesis is available from the University of Wollongong website.
Asperger Marriage Instant Help
This is an app that has been recommended to us. It's described as 'advice, empathy and support for people in an Asperger marriage'.
Learn more and download the app at the Asperger Relationship Consulting website, or search your device's app store for 'Asperger Marriage Instant Help'.
Autism Spectrum Australia (ASPECT)
Formerly the NSW Autism Association
Tony Attwood
Jeroen Decates
Clinical Psychologist, Sydney
Diverse Minds Psychology Clinic
Steve Den-Kaat
Minds and Hearts
Brisbane Clinic
Aspergers & Autistic Spectrum Network Inc
Online contact register for people with Asperger's Syndrome. Operating from the Maitland, NSW region. Advocacy, mentoring, translational counselling, workshops, etc.
Contact: | (02) 4966 1717
Families of Adults Affected by Asperger's Syndrome
Online Asperger Syndrome Information & Support (OASIS)
Maxine Aston's website
Different Together
Sue Larkey's Education Events
The Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership, Inc.
ASPEN - Asperger Syndrome Education Network, Inc.
Information, support, and advocacy for those whose lives are affected by Asperger Syndrome, PDD-NOS, and Nonverbal LD.
John Elder Robison
Author of Look me in the eye and Be different.
Michael John Carley
Author of Aspergers from the Inside Out